BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:RSM - Aesthetic Breast Surgery - My Journey UID:47 DESCRIPTION: \n\n The highly respected Dr Charles Randquist, specialist in plastic surgery from Sweden, will be talking about his work and career as an aesthetic breast surgeon. He will talk about his journey through Aesthetic Breast surgery - he will cover all he has learnt, techniques, processes and his thoughts from the past 25 years including all the issues that have cropped up with breast implants over this time. \n\nPrices start from £15 \n\nFind out more and EARLY BIRD COST OPEN TILL END OF THE WEEK\n\nregister today at: \n\\n\n DTSTART:20180918T113500Z DTEND:20180918T113500Z LOCATION:RSM, Wimpole Street, London END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR