BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:BAPRAS CELTIC MEETING 2020 UID:178 DESCRIPTION:Description\nThe 2020 Celtic Meeting is a one-day meeting to scheduled to take place virtually on Friday 6 November. Registration is now open at a low cost and a programme is available to view via the links on the right.\n\nIn keeping with the latest Government guidance, Secretariat staff are still working from home and will therefore be unable to take any calls made to the office. If you have a query regarding this event please email and if you'd like someone to call you back please include your phone number in the email. Many thanks for your understanding.\n\nPlease note that abstract submissions for this meeting are now closed.\n\n DTSTART:20201106T194600Z DTEND:20201106T194600Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR