BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:TORCH course (Trauma Orchestration of Continuing Healthcare) UID:127 DESCRIPTION:Are you a CT1-3 or ST3-6 delivering on-going care to injured patients as part of a Major Trauma Service? If so, the TORCH course will teach you how to lead, coordinate and cohere the care that complex polytrauma patients require post-critical care.\n\nTORCH costs £150 per person, and has RCS accreditiation.\n\nThe course has 24 places. Please register your interest by completing the eventbrite form. Successful applicants will be contacted with further details.\n\n DTSTART:20191111T123100Z DTEND:20191112T123100Z LOCATION:Bainbridge Room, Robin Brook Centre, 19 Giltspur St, London EC1A 9DD END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR